Fiction/Young Adult

Worth the Risk — Chapter Six

Are you willing to lose it all

Izzibella Beau


Image by Alexander Belyaev from Pixabay

We skirted the outside of the city that never slept. The building’s bright lights illuminated the entire sky as if it were still daytime. If we went directly into the city, we wouldn’t get out of there until early in the morning. Marcus must’ve also known this, as he bypassed every exit.

An hour later, we ended up on my end of town. The streets were quiet, and the people in the oversized houses were all nicely tucked away in darkness for the night.

“I can take you home and call my cousin for a ride.” Marcus appeared tired but seemingly still had the small child’s smile on his face from playing with a new toy.

I couldn’t imagine being that excited about something new.

Well, maybe.

I was giddy when I was around him, something I’d never experienced before.

Guys came and went. Most of the time, I was happier when they were gone, but this was heading in a new direction, one I’d never experienced, and looked forward to where it was taking me.

“Why don’t you sleep over and I’ll take you back in the morning?" It wasn’t like anyone would notice, no one ever checked on me.

“Uh, maybe that’s not such a good idea.”

“Why? It’s late, you can crash and go home later in the morning.”

“Won’t your parents be kinda weird with a guy you just met sleeping over?” Marcus appeared uneasy with the whole situation.

“I see them on special occasions. Dad’s always at work and mom is always off doing mom things. How about the guest house? We won’t have to go into the main house.” Maybe that suggestion would help to ease his fears and concerns.

Marcus’s expression showed he was contemplating the idea. He let out an enormous sigh. “Give me the directions.”

I led him the back way through our housing complex. Each home had no less than three acres, with the home itself being larger than four thousand square feet in size. I told him to circle into the driveway and then to cut to the left, that was where the garage was that housed all my cars.

Marcus pulled the Jag alongside my black Porsche, which was my sophomore year's going-to-school car. He carefully opened the door and stepped out. I followed suit but didn’t worry about whether the door was going to hit the other car like he did.

“Are these your parent’s cars?” He motioned to the Porsche 911 and the Maserati GranTurismo Sport.

“No, they’re mine.” I waved him over to the door that led outside. We had to follow the path down behind my garage, which would take us to the guesthouse.

“Are you shitting me? They’re yours?” Marcus hadn’t moved from his spot. He was mesmerized by the cars I hardly ever drove.

“They’re just cars, no big deal.” I didn’t see what the big fuss was about them. Everyone I’d ever hung around with drove something of this nature.

Marcus shook his head. “You have like almost a million dollars’ worth of cars right here, sort of a huge deal.”

His estimate was off a little.

“You can drive them all tomorrow if it will make you happy, okay?" I walked out without making sure he was following.

The door shut, and I knew he was coming behind me. I walked slower so he would be able to catch up and soon I felt him by my side.

“This is nice.” Marcus was looking at all the sculpted shrubs and ornamental grasses that my mom had some gardeners put in a few years ago.

“Hmm, I never paid attention to it.” I know they spent a lot of money to have it all done and taken care of regularly, but who cared about having the best yard?

The guesthouse came into sight, and Marcus paused in his step.

“That’s the guesthouse?” He pointed to the cottage up ahead.

“Yeah, why?”

“I was expecting this little shack or something, but it’s like another freakin house.”

I looked over at the cottage. It was a regular three-bedroom, four-bath guesthouse that most other houses around here had in their backyards.

“You’re thinking too much, let’s go.” I opened up the door and waved my hand for him to go on in.

Marcus took in every sight. From the potted plants and the framed artwork to the statues that were strategically placed around the great room. He sat down on the sectional sofa and sunk into the large pillows.

I turned on the TV, which put some life into the room.

The remote was laying on the coffee table in front of him. I told him he could put on whatever he wanted to watch. I was going to grab some comfy clothes out of the extra clothes closet in the master bedroom. He nodded and began to scan through the channels.

The automatic light came on as soon as I entered the bedroom. I turned on the walk-in closet and hunted for something comfy yet sexy at the same time. I chose a pair of silk pajama shorts and a matching camisole. I grabbed a clean white t-shirt and a pair of jersey running shorts that looked to be Marcus's size.

He was still seated on the sofa, flipping through the hundreds of channels of his choosing. His head was resting on a big, soft pillow, and he looked quite cozy as he stretched out.

“I got you these if you wanted something a bit comfier.” I put the shorts and T-shirt on the cushion beside him.

Marcus looked down at the clothes and then back up to me. “Thanks. I could always sleep like I normally do, naked.”

I felt my face heat and knew it must be flushed with redness.

Marcus laughed and picked up the clothes I gave him. “Finally, something that makes you nervous.” He stood and glanced around the room. “Um, should I change here or is there a room I can use?”

I pointed to the hallway, where he could use any one of the bedrooms. “Go down there and take your pick.”

Marcus nodded once and went where I instructed him.

I picked up one of the pillows on the sofa and covered my face. I needed to quit acting like a little kid who’d never been around a boy alone before. I’d spent many nights alone with guys, not that anything ever happened between us except for some second-base stuff, but this was different…

He was different…

What I wanted was different.

“You okay?”

I didn’t hear Marcus come back into the room and here he caught me with a pillow over my face. I tossed it back down on the sofa and willed my hormones under control.

“Yep, why?”

Marcus sat his folded clothes on top of the coffee table, then took back his seat he’d just left. “No reason.” He looked over at me and let his eyes slowly move down my body.

My face reddened once again. I couldn’t figure out why he made me nervous. Not nervous where I was scared, but worried, which went along with hoping he liked what he saw.

My eyes never left him, and after a few seconds of casting a weary eye over my body, his gaze met mine once again.

Marcus licked his lips and looked away as if he were embarrassed about being caught checking me out.

“Anything interesting catch your eye.”

Marcus’s eyes flickered back at me. I noted a bit of a pink hue on his cheeks.

I motioned to the TV. “Anything good on?” He probably thought I was talking about my body since he was checking it out. I only said it that way just to get a rise out of him, but I played nice and didn’t string him along.

“Um.” Marcus cleared his throat. “Not really.” He flipped through the channels, but it didn’t seem like he stopped on any of them to even see what was playing.

The clock on the wall read it was almost three thirty. The sofa was large enough that I could stretch out my legs and not have to worry about hitting him. He was able to lie down also, and we would have enough room to be comfortable for the night.

I looked him up and down after he’d changed and noticed he had some well-defined muscles in his legs. The shorts rode up a bit on his thigh, and his muscles flexed from twitching like he was nervous or something.

“Guess we should get some sleep. I’m gonna sleep right here, you can too, or else there are three bedrooms if you want to stretch out on a bed.”

“Nah, I’m pretty good here.” Marcus clasped his hands behind his neck and scooted down a bit on the sofa so that he was more stretched out.

I leaned up and crawled my way over to him. I softly kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks for watching out for me tonight.”

Marcus looked me over and ran his fingers lightly down the side of my cheek. “Anytime.” He kissed me like I’d done to him.

I flipped my position around and laid my head down on his lap. It was a much cozier place to be than some cold pillow.

His hand began to gently stroke my hair. I was in bliss.

“You know you can lie down.” I scooted more towards the edge, so he’d have enough room behind me to stretch out.

I lifted my head once again so he could rearrange his legs lengthwise on the sofa, then lay back down once he slipped into position. His warm arm went around my waist, and he pulled me closer back to him.

Our heads lay on the same pillow, and I got goosebumps from his breath on the back of my neck. A tingling began and a shiver went through my body.

“Are you cold?” Marcus pulled me closer in an attempt to give me his warmth.


Should I say no? Then he would know he excited me without even doing anything. If I said yes, that might mean he would keep his arm right where I wanted it.

“Yeah, just a little.”

“Do you have a blanket?”

I didn’t want him to get up, he might not take the same position back.

“Don’t need one. I’m taking all your heat.” I wiggled back more so there wasn’t any space between us.

Marcus groaned when I did that. “Chelsey. I wouldn’t do that anymore.”

I did one more little ass shake and giggled when he moaned again.

“Not funny.” His hand slid down to my bare thigh and his fingers began to make soft circles as they crept upwards.

Another shiver ripped through me, and my hips automatically bucked as excitement began to stir.

Marcus’s breathing picked up as he placed soft kisses along my neckline.

I wanted to turn around to face him, but he whispered ‘don’t’ into my ear when I moved.

I stayed in place and let him caress my body like no one had ever done before. His hand never went any further up my leg than to the edge of my silk shorts. I wanted him to keep on going and put out the passion scorching inside of me, but it seemed Marcus had other plans. His groin was pressed into my backside, and a thick hardness was pressed against me. Underneath those thin shorts, he wasn’t wearing any boxers.

Marcus’s fingers continued to stroke my thigh and rub on my intimates through my shorts. A small moan escaped from my lips.

The pace of his grinding against me picked up after he heard my whimper of pleasure.

His body shook, and I heard soft whimpers as he had the same experience as me.

Marcus placed a tender kiss on my neck. “I’ll be back in a sec, okay?"

I nodded it was all right and the coldness came back once he’d gotten up. I could see the outline of him in the darkness as he made his way across the room and back down the hallway.

A minute later, he was back dressed in his boxers and the t-shirt I’d given him. He curled in behind me once again and placed a kiss on my cheek.

No more words were said.

We both closed our eyes as the early morning birds began to chirp outside the window.



Izzibella Beau

I write articles that will help you grow as a writer and as a person. I also write fictional stories that make you question everything about life and beyond