Fiction/Young Adult/Betrayal

Worth the Risk — Chapter Thirteen

Are you willing to lose it all?

Izzibella Beau


Image by Alexander Belyaev from Pixabay

“You’re still going tonight, right,” Amber called once again to make sure I was going to the party.

The past week has been long and grueling. I spent days at school, hours after rehearsal, and a long trip back and forth to take Marcus home.

I loved the fact he wanted to spend as much time as he could with me, going to my dance practices and sitting for that long of time, but I was exhausted.

“Yes, Amber. Most likely, I’m going.”

Hopefully, this will be the last time she calls today concerning this party. I’d had an eight o’clock rehearsal that lasted until noon. Then I came back home and finished up some weekend homework that needed to be done in case I went tonight.

I just wanted to take a small, itsy, bitsy nap to try and rev up some more energy.

“You have to go. I have to know someone." Now, she started to whine, and that was one thing I didn’t want to hear.

“Yes. I will meet you there at nine, okay.”

“Cool. See ya.”

I put my phone face down on my bed. I turned the volume down and turned off text message notifications.

Now, try and get a little rest before the night.

The alarm on my phone woke me up at the specified time.

I had three hours to get ready and go to the party place I told Amber I would meet her at.

I stretched out and swung my legs over the bed. I hated getting up, but I had to start getting ready.

‘What to wear?’

I switched the light to my closet and walked in. There were rows of clothes I had to choose from, some of them never worn, but tonight had to be special.

Tonight was all about making an impression on Marcus’s hometown friends and family and not having them look at me like I was another rich girl from the city.

I left the house around seven thirty, giving myself an hour and a half to meet with Amber before she began calling, wondering where I was.

I decided on a new pair of rugged-washed jeans, a black lace camisole shirt with a crème-colored silk blouse over the top, and black leather ankle boots with lace around the top to match the silk blouse. My hair was ironed flat, and my eyes were outlined in black liner to make them stand out against the crème color of my shirt.

Of course, the traffic was backed up on the freeway, it was a Saturday night in the city, and everyone was out.

I decided to take the Porsche so I could maneuver around the traffic better with the upgraded dynamics my car had installed. The GPS estimated I should arrive at the party house before nine if no complications arose.

My phone buzzed, and Marcus’s number popped up. I pressed the speaker button so I could talk and drive at the same time.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“Checkin in to make sure you weren’t lost.”

“I’m only two blocks away from your house, I should be okay.”

I’d been driving this way all week, taking Marcus home after my dance rehearsal, and I didn’t think I would have an issue finding the place. I had my GPS, so it was all good.

“Is Amber there yet?”

“I don’t think she ever went home from last night.” Marcus had to scream into the phone. A long string of curse words ran past him from some girl’s mouth. I heard a guy yell back at her, then more cussing in Spanish this time.

“Sounds like the party is already happening.”

“It’s getting crazy. I’m just waiting for you for some sanity.”

“I should be arriving,” I said, looking at the time on my GPS, “maybe in about twenty.”

“Be careful and make sure you text when you get here.”

“I will.” I ended the call and concentrated on the traffic that doubled in the minute I was on the phone.

Fifteen minutes later, I was on the road the directions told me to go. The entire street was packed, and nowhere I could park. I stopped and pulled to the side so I didn’t block the entire road. I text Marcus I made it and was at the end of the street.

Less than a minute later, I saw him jogging up the sidewalk. He looked quite beautiful in his worn-out jeans, white t-shirt, and hair that was fixed even though it was messed up.

I waved my hands at him when he got closer, indicating I had nowhere to go. He pointed down the street and motioned for me to follow. I did as he instructed and found there were three orange cones on the side where he’d saved me a spot to park.

“Thank you.” I gave him a tight hug when I met him on the sidewalk. “I didn’t expect so many people.”

“Everyone likes to have a good time.” Marcus took my hand and led me to where everyone else was gathered.

“Chelsey.” Amber’s loud, highly intoxicated screech vibrated through the room. She almost knocked me over as she tackled me with a hug. “What took you so long?”

“I’m here, right on time.” I showed her my phone, which displayed that it was nine o’clock, the time I told her I would be there.

“Let’s get you a drink.” Amber took my hand away from Marcus’s and pulled me in the direction of where the alcohol was being served. She picked up a bottle of Jack Daniels and another of tequila. “Which one?”

I grabbed her arm before she stumbled backward. It appeared as if Amber had hit both bottles with the way she behaved.

I shook my head. "Maybe a little too strong for now.”

“No. No. No.” Amber waggled her head back and forth. She grabbed some cups and poured a bit of the whiskey into both.

She handed one to me, and I unwillingly accepted. I knew this was going to be the downfall of the night if I got wasted too early. Not that I wanted to get f’d up at all, but this was one of those parties where if I were the only one sober, I would definitely stand out like a sore thumb.

“Here’s to a great night.”

Amber held up her cup for me so I could toast with her. We hit our red solo cups together and chugged down the burning liquid.

“I love you, Chelsey.” Amber tugged me into a hug again.

“Okay.” Marcus laughed at Amber and me as he pulled us apart. “You had enough time with my girl. Go bother Ricky.” He pointed to Ricky across the room, who was talking with a couple of other guys.

"Baby!" Amber yelled out to Ricky as she crossed the room to him. He smiled and welcomed her into his arms.

“One with me?” Marcus held up the bottle of Jack Daniels.

How could I say no?

I’d drunk one with Amber, so it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t with him. Plus, he called me his girl. I liked the sound of that, and knowing he put a label on us made me feel more secure in our relationship, deep friendship, or whatever someone might consider us.

I took the cup, tapped it against his, and gulped it down. A chill ran through me as the burning sensation began. I felt lightheaded and gripped Marcus’s arm.

“I think I had too much too soon.” My words slurred, and giddiness came over me. “How many people are here?" I looked around the yard and out to the street, and about a hundred people were chillin' out and having fun.

“Not sure. There’s like two or three houses having parties.” Marcus put his hand on the small of my back. “C’mon, I’ll show you around.”

I smiled up at him and wrapped my arm around his waist. I was braver and more forward now that I had this bit of liquid confidence in myself.

“Let’s go.” I was elated to be with this gorgeous guy.

Everyone said hello to him and gave him questioning looks as to who I was. He didn’t introduce me to any of the people we passed and kept walking up the sidewalk.

We’d gotten to the last house on the block when Marcus finally stopped. He brushed back my hair that had fallen forward and ran his hand down my cheek. “I wanted you to meet some more of my family before things got crazy.”

My body tensed up, and my stomach started to swirl in a hundred different directions. The last time I’d been introduced to any of his family, it wasn’t the most pleasant of meetings. It seemed his mom and grandmother were opposed to him and I being together.

“Are you sure?”

“I promise.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “It will be better than before.” Marcus took my hand and led me up the sidewalk into the house.

The front room was alive with people as we walked in through the door. I noticed Marcus’s mom over in the corner talking with some other women. It was funny to see parents and adults at a party. Most of the time, my group went clubbing or out to parties where there were no adults.

“Chelsey, these are some of my cousins.” Marcus referenced the group of ten standing before us. He called them out by name, and they all said hello, but I wouldn’t remember their names five minutes from now. The effects of the alcohol were strong and everything was a bit crazy.

Marcus told them we’d catch up with them later and took my hand once again. We walked around the room and said hello to almost everyone. Marcus called them all by name and told me who they were, but I couldn’t remember the names of the first ten people I’d met a few minutes ago.

“Marcus, maybe we shouldn’t.” I pulled on his hand to stop when I realized we were walking towards his mom and her group of friends.

“C’mon.” He gave my hand a pull to make sure I followed him.

“Marcus. Chelsey.” His mom greeted us as we came upon her group.

She acted much merrier than the last time I’d seen her. She held a cup, and I smelled the scent of alcohol coming out of it. I figured that was why she was acting so friendly.

Marcus’s mom gave me a tight hug. “So good to see you again.”

I one-arm hugged her back. “You, too.”

She let go, and I backed up a step so no personal space was being invaded.

“Have you seen any of your sisters?” Marcus’s mom turned her attention back to her son standing beside me.

“Only Angelica when we were walking up here, but everyone else seems to be in hiding.” Marcus took my hand and scooted backward away from his mom a few feet. “We’ll talk to you all later.” He waved that we were leaving, then pulled me away from his mom and her friends.

“She seemed nice today.” I leaned my head on Marcus’s arm as we walked back out of the house and up the street.

He snorted out a laugh and shook his head. “At times. No, but seriously she is most of the time, but also overly protective.”

I nodded my head. “Just the opposite here. My mom and dad only want what’s best for the company and their reputation, they don’t worry about me too much.”

“I doubt that. They just don’t show it like my mom does.” Marcus draped his arm around my shoulders and led me through another yard and into another house.

“Nope, they only love themselves.” I took the bottle of whatever it was he handed me and sniffed at the unopened top. It had a sweet smell, like a mixture of a bunch of different fruits.

“A wine cooler." Marcus had answered my question before I had the chance to ask.

He dunked a portion of his pinkie into the bottle, then wiped the liquid on his finger across my lips. His tongue followed as he licked the alcohol off my mouth. His lips met mine for a brief second before he inched away.

“Drink, Chelsey. It’s a party.”

I took a sip of the sweetness. After I had decided I liked the taste, I tipped the bottle back to my lips and let almost half the bottle flow down.

“Where’s yours?” I questioned Marcus after I drank nearly half my bottle and realized he didn’t have anything.

Marcus reached into the ice barrel once again and pulled out a bottle that looked exactly like mine. His eyes never left mine as he popped the cap off and chugged the bottle’s entire contents down in one long drink.

I didn’t take another drink, as my lips were soon covered with his in the most enticing, sweetest kiss I’d ever had.

“I’ve wanted to do that since you got here. Well, probably even before you got here.” Marcus’s lips briefly touched me once more.

I drank the rest of my wine cooler and sat the bottle back down on the table. My hand caressed his cheek.

Marcus’s eyes closed, and his head dipped into my hand to be cradled. My finger softly outlined his perfectly formed lips. The pace of his breathing picked up. I ran my other hand up his abdomen, feeling the rock-hard muscles underneath his shirt.

I stopped at the base of his neck as I brought his head closer to mine.

I teased him with my tongue as it danced across his lips, but retreated when he tried to play along. I giggled when he sighed out of frustration at not being able to have control of the situation.

“You’re killing me, Chelsey.” Marcus backed me up, and I was pressed hard against the wall. He intertwined his fingers with mine and held my hands above my head. His lips captured mine in a kiss that left us both breathless after a few seconds.

Marcus’s mouth moved down to my neck, he suckled and nipped until I moaned. One hand left mine and skimmed down my chest. His fingers lightly circled my peaked nipples, and a heated rush coursed through my body that made me shudder.

“Hey.” The sound of Ricky’s voice behind us and the sound of Amber giggling brought us back to the moment that we were still in public and everyone could see.

Marcus lifted his head and put his forehead on mine. “I’m going to kill him. I’ll be right back.”

I smiled up at him and nodded. I knew this intimate moment was over for now.

“What?” Marcus turned around and confronted his friend, who had once again ruined a good moment for us.

Amber whispered sorry and I nodded it was okay.

“We might have trouble.” Ricky gave Marcus a look that made him instantly tense.



Izzibella Beau

I write articles that will help you grow as a writer and as a person. I also write fictional stories that make you question everything about life and beyond