10 things you must know about Spiral Dynamics

Evolution in Human Psychology and Values

Ebrahim Haque Bhatti
Curated Newsletters


Why do some people have such skewed political worldviews?

Why are some societies still racist in the 21st century?

Why are some individuals so egoistic and self-centered?

It is because everyone has a different level of Psychological Development.

Spiral Dynamics is a human psychology developmental model that discusses how our consciousness and awareness evolve with time. The name Spiral is used because the psychology of humans continuously unfolds, expands, oscillates, and emerges with changing trends and time. Secondly, the pattern of Spiral can be seen everywhere from DNA double helix (which reminds us of genetic evolution) and universes (which is continuously expanding)

Steve Self via Formlessmountain (Author took permission to share this via e-mail)

Spiral Dynamics is based upon the work of a College Professor Clare Graves. In the 1950s, Clare Graves used to teach theories of psychology from Freud to Carl Rogers to Watson/Skinner to Abraham Maslow at Union College, New York. At the end of the semester, his students used to ask him, “But professor, which theory is the right one?” Questions like these frustrated him because he had no clear answers.

To understand the confusion, contradiction, conflict, and controversy in human…

