Don’t Quit Before the Miracle!!

100s of Stories about Spiritual Awakening — No One Seems to Discuss The Difficult and Crucial Integration and Alignment Processes

Becoming whole again, integrating my mind, body, and soul, was an intellectual challenge. Once whole, alignment is a life-long project measured in the ebbs and flows of spiritual progress.

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Curated Newsletters
23 min readDec 28, 2020


Photo by Dave Hoefler on Unsplash

(Subscribers, please note that but for minor edits I made today, I wrote this in December 2020)


Enter “Spiritual Awakening” in Medium’s search box and you will get scores of hits and the articles will have many commonalities as to what the writers perceive awakening to mean. None of their perceptions are incorrect. Many discuss shifts in emotions, senses, and sensitivities; some discuss weird phenomena like light bulbs flickering when one is present; others describe the desire to search for spiritual meaning or starting to perceive synchronicities (coincidences and other signs from the universe), and connections between themselves and the rest of the world. See. e.g., Brianna Wiest’s The 3 Realizations that Happen During A Spiritual Awakening, “Something needs to change, and I



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Curated Newsletters

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.