Fifteen of the Most Nutrient-Dense Foods

Simplify your diet, improve your nutrition, and reduce calories.

Daniel Hopper
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Anh Nguyen on Unsplash

Many of us struggle with managing our weight. Dieting is complicated, right?

People or organisations selling a certain diet tend to preach about how complicated counting calories is. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Do this crazy magical thing and blah blah blah, you will lose a bunch of weight and look amazing!

And in essence, they’re right — but often the ideology behind the diet is to avoid something, like carbs or fats, or gluten, or eating after a certain hour. This makes dieting seem complicated.

The caveat is that we lose weight on any diet that puts us in a caloric deficit. We know this. It could literally be a diet of McDonald’s! There’s so much research that proves this.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an easier way to eat healthier AND lose weight?

The good news is that there is! You’ll lose weight without counting calories by using nutritional density as the basis for making smarter food choices. As a bonus, you’ll be fit, healthy and feel great.

The nutritional density of food

Nutritional density refers to the concentration of nutrients a food has per unit of…



Daniel Hopper
Curated Newsletters

A marketer and gym addict who shares their knowledge and passion of these things and more. | | Inquiries