27 Important Truths I’ve Learned This Year About Life

It takes time to digest.

Godofredo Rojas
Curated Newsletters


“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” — Seneca

One thing about the school of experience is that it will repeat the lesson if you flunk the first time. That is why pain is just a lesson once you heal.

Last year was a huge box of surprises for many people, according to studies. And I’m far from the exception. Working every day from 9 to 5 job was easier than be at home and deal with the usual housework. Even harder having to children waiting for me.

To embrace the idea that the world is changing was a bitter pill to swallow for many people.

But, there is always a good side to the currency. I list all the goods and new truths that change my viewpoint in many aspects of my life. And they can change or at least rethink yours.

1. You don’t quit a job. You quit bosses. People frequently said I quit my job. And we tag the job as a bad one, without analysis. You quit the environment, the relationship with people, which is a big difference. It’s vital to grasp these not to judge eventually similar positions.

2. Happiness isn’t a destination. My entire life, I seek happiness. Looking for something that brings me joy, more followers, a higher income…



Godofredo Rojas
Curated Newsletters

Trader by Day, Writer by Night. I pour my love of the market's ebbs to unpacks the complexities of day trading, personal growth, and financial savvy.