3 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Consistency & Crush Your Financial Goals Faster

How to keep going when the excitement is wears off

Ben Le Fort
4 min readMay 10, 2024


Photo by Robert Ruggiero on Unsplash

Consistency is crucial to achieving long-term goals.

In the early days of working towards a goal, whether it be related to fitness, health, money or whatever part of your life you want to improve it’s easy to take actions early on when you are excited about your goal. What is more difficult — and more important — is the ability to remain consistent in your actions once the excitement has worn off.

Let’s review the research on how you can do exactly that.

3 Research-backed tips to take more consistent actions to achieve your goals

A 2009 paper titled, “Behavioral Consistency and Inconsistency in the Resolution of Goal Conflict,” provides three strategies to be more consistent in your actions when working towards a goal.

#1 — View Initial Acts as Commitments Rather Than Progress

When you start working towards a goal, how you view your first few steps can really set the tone for your whole journey.



Ben Le Fort

I write about behavioral finance & evidence based investing. Want to work with me? e: info@benlefort.com Here's my Substack: https://benlefort.substack.com/