3 Times Punk Bands Predicted the Climate Crisis

Punk rock has always been progressive and forward-thinking with many of its most well-known protagonists taking anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-imperialist stances.

Nicholas H. Simpson
Curated Newsletters


Since the 1970s, some punk bands have also been raging about the fragile state of the planet, desperately attempting to get us to listen before it’s too late…

Photo by Jorge Maya on Unsplash

Punks are generally angry folk. Angry at the government, angry at the state of the planet; just plain furious in general. Their lyrics contain searing broadsides against injustice in our societies with the burning desire to change and motivate change in their listeners.

A variety of difficult topics have been tackled over the years since punk’s inception in the late 1960s. This article focusses on 3 examples of ‘eco-punk’, or the phenomenon of punks pumping out a message of climate stewardship in the vain hope that we might leave the world a better place for the next generation.

Poison Idea- “Gone for Good” (1990)

Photo by Kouji Tsuru on Unsplash



Nicholas H. Simpson
Curated Newsletters

PhD candidate, language geek living and working in South Korea. All about UK culture, Korean life, cross-cultural differences and English language.