4 Controversial Life Hacks for Raising a Baby

My son was out of diapers before the 18th month

Nihan Kucukural
Curated Newsletters


I am a geriatric mother. Yes, apparently, they call pregnant women over the age of 35, that. I was 40.

I feel lucky for this. In my twenties or early thirties, I wasn’t in the right headspace. I didn’t want the responsibility. Also, as a young mother, I probably would have to face more social pressure in Turkey. It would be harder for me to do my own research and choose what kind of mother I wanted to be. Instead, as a grown-ass woman, I felt stronger and more independent to read, learn, make up my mind, and resist what I didn’t want. And in 2012, there was no shortage of information.

I picked up a few hacks that I found helpful for us. Not everyone will agree with all of these; even I was against some of them to begin with. But they worked wonders for my family.

1st hack: Co-sleeping and breastfeeding combo

I had heard the horror stories of women falling asleep while breastfeeding and crushing their babies to death. I had never considered it until I saw a heartwarming illustration of a cosleeping and breastfeeding mother and baby and read the accompanying text. I got intrigued and went down the rabbit hole of discussions.



Nihan Kucukural
Curated Newsletters

Turkish copywriter and screenwriter based in New Zealand. I am addicted to stories. I write screenwriting/copywriting advice and occasional funny stuff.