4 Life-Changing Lessons From a Pencil to Make an Impact in This World

What’s inside you is more valuable than anything

Manas Bhardwaj
Curated Newsletters


Photo by iMattSmart on Unsplash

Learn from other people’s experiences. Learn from objects, people, nature around you. A smart person grasps every lesson and avoid every mistake made by his counterparts.

The above advice is a shortcut to being successful.

A pencil is such an ordinary tool, used by small kids to draw abstract cartoons and by adults for random sketching.

Here’s the kicker —

If you observe closely and think about it with all your brain power, you will end up changing this world for the better. Mark my words.

A pencil can change your world.

1. The Magic lies within you

What’s truly important lies within you.

A pencil is beautiful, and colorful from the outside but the purpose for which it is served is for its Lead. Without Lead, a pencil is a waste.

