4 Reasons You Were Not the Favorite Child

Remember that it wasn’t your fault

L.A. Strucke


Photo by Torsten Dederichs on Unsplash

Many of us have grown up in dysfunctional childhoods. Not all parents are perfect and love each child equally. Some grow up with adoring parents — but others don’t. It’s painful to grow up watching your sibling be the star of the family, while you were mostly ignored.

Were you less lovable than your sibling? Most likely it had nothing to do with you and everything to do with your parents.

Here are 4 reasons you were not the favorite child:

Your sibling made your parents look good

Sometimes a child is born that has extraordinary looks or talent. This is the child that people can’t stop gushing over. They’ll complement your parents because they produced either a stunningly handsome or beautiful child.

Your parents will go to a teacher conference and hear how amazing that child is doing in school. That child will score the winning touchdown in the football game. Or that child will be a prodigy and bring a lot of positive attention to the family. They’ll star in a school play or win a science competition.

Now imagine being the sibling of that child. You brought home A’s and B’s. You didn’t win any major awards. You do well in sports, but…



L.A. Strucke

Top Writer, Songwriter. Published in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Highlights for Children and Guideposts. Editor of The Creative Project.