4 Daily Tasks to Change Your Life’s Results

How to Improve on your successes daily

Jude C.
6 min readFeb 4, 2021


Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

A farmer goes to his farmland, he wants to harvest Mangoes. He has this fertile land that has been left to fallow for years and all sorts of fruits are in this farm. he has Apples, Cashews, herbs and lots of weeds but there is no single mango(not even the tree).

He is pissed, He really wants to harvest mango and everything he needs to do that is in that fertile farmland. What should he do?

Leave the land in hopes that miraculously a Mango tree would grow out of nowhere or be intentional — clear the ground and sow a Mango seed and, this time hope for a bountiful harvest.

Any results you have in your life now in the are or

  • Wealth
  • Career
  • Life Satisfaction etc

Is a result of seeds you sowed in these aspects some 2–3 years ago. There is no long term result in your life that is not tied to a decision you’ve made or failed to make.

If you want to move your life forward, you know by now that it does not just happen.

To build something valuable long term, it is going to take ACTIVE intentional planning and IMPLEMENTATION to achieve your desired results(or get the desired fruit you want).

To build the life you want, you should look at the fruits you are currently producing now.

  • If you are broke — the problem is not the fruits you are seeing, but the seeds you are planting where your finances are involved.
  • If you are obese — the problem is not the fruit(obesity) but rather the seeds(what you’ve been eating, you lack of exercise, your mindset)
  • if you are unhappy — The problem is not the fruits(unhappiness) but the seeds(what are you doing that’s making you unhappy)

What you see in your life(Fruits) can be related to the seeds you have planted.

You can’t plant Apples and harvest Mangoes

I used to think that good things just came to those who were good and that the stars I admired in any field were “so gifted” it just “came” to them — No planning, practice or sacrifice was involved.

Now, however, I know that there is no such thing and YOU can make your only luck. Not only is this helpful but uplifting(it means there is hope for yu and me)

To live the type of life you want, you have to plan the type of life you want.

What results do you want to see? and how can you go about planting the seeds that would bring you that result.

This is where your daily habits come into play because they determine to a large extent the kind of seeds you are planting and the fruits you would see in any area of your life.

These are four easy to do tasks you can make a part of your daily routine to help you plant the right seeds. theses are

  1. Set Time Out every day to think:

Do you spend every waking moment of your life being dragged by other people’s priority that you do not have the time to plan your own?

There is a saying that if you do not make plans, you are going to be a part of someone's else's plans and there’s usually nothing for you in it — and it’s true.

Setting out time to think is necessary for how you access where you are and where you want to be. This is much different from daydreaming as you are intentional about the fruits you want to see and your subconscious mind should help

Setting out at least 20 minutes daily (early in the morning or late at night) to plan your day and think of things, steps, actions you can implement to move the needle of your life forward is key to your growth.

Avoid emails and your phone in the morning as it is filled with other people’s plans and goals. Make your own plans and stop being reactive but proactive in what you do daily

“ The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” — Stephen Covey

2. Visualise what you want to achieve daily:

A study was carried out by Dr. Blaslotto at the University of Chicago in 1996.

This study was conducted by asking a group of randomly selected students to take a series of free-throws. Their percentage of made free throws were tallied.

These student-participants were then divided into three groups and asked to perform three separate tasks over a 30 day period. The aim of the study was to see how much improvement can be made to a basketballers game by doing any of these daily.

  • Practicing
  • Visualisation
  • Nothing

As such

  • The first group was told not to touch a basketball for 30 days, no practicing or playing basketball in any way.
  • The second group was told to practice shooting free throws for a half hour a day for 30 days
  • The third group was to come to the gym every day for 30 days and spend a half hour with their eyes closed, simply visualizing hitting every free-throw they made in their minds.

At the end of the 30 days period, all three groups were asked to come back and take the same number of free-throws they had in the beginning of the study(which was used as a baseline)

  • The first group of students who did not practice at all showed 0% improvement.
  • The second group that had practiced every day now showed a 24% improvement
  • The third group however, which had simply done visualizations of successful free-throws, showed a 23% improvement

We are learning more and more about the powers of our subconscious minds and the power it plays in our reality.

By visualizing what you want to achieve, you are already setting yourself up to bring it into your life.

By also visualising the steps you are going to take, you are making it easier and your brain is working to bring it to fruition by giving you ideas on how to make it work.

3. Get in it for the long term:

If you want to harvest mangoes, you know that it is going to take a while from planting to harvesting and as such you should not be in the farming business if you are looking for short term rewards(A.k.a immediate success).

To really get the best out of something, you need to be in it for the long term. While shiny object syndrome gets a bad name because so many people spend too much time on it, I think it is necessary you try your hand at a bunch of things before deciding on the one to stick with.

This way you have a feel for what you are good at, what you enjoy and things you’d love to get great at.

Once you have discovered this, it is up to you to make a long term plan of how you would achieve your desired results by sowing the right seeds.

4. Don’t wait for inspiration:

When it comes to doing the WORK, this is what usually happens. We sit around waiting for inspiration to move when inspiration only comes after we move.

Better put, if you want to change your life or the results you see, you are better served by knowing this

You cannot think yourself into a new way of acting, you can only act yourself into a new way of thinking

If you do this daily, you are bound to see an improvement in your life and a clearer picture of where you are and where you want to be. including how you get there.



Jude C.

Want to make more money sending emails people read and buy from? —Let's talk. Send a message to: Jude@judechiadika.com