Inspiration | Creating

4 Steps to Create Anything

Create what you want every time

Bill Abbate
6 min readOct 20, 2023


Image by master1305 from Freepik

Imagine discovering a simple pattern found everywhere in life. Once you see it, you will never forget it. All you need to remember is its acronym, STAR. The great thing about this pattern is you can tap into it and begin creating anytime you want!

See Think Act Reap

Have you noticed the creating pattern in life? Some years ago, I coined the acronym STAR from See, Think, Act, and Reap and wrote a book about it — Uncommon Sense, subtitled The S.T.A.R. Approach to Life.

Wherever you look in life, you can find it. Simply put, it is:

  • Seeing something new.
  • Thinking to understand it.
  • Acting on your thoughts.
  • Reaping results from your creation.

The following graphic shows how the results we reap depend on our actions, which rely on our thinking (understanding), which comes from what and how we see.

By Author

Notice that seeing and thinking are internal, while actions provide a bridge to the



Bill Abbate

Leadership Writer and Editor in ILLUMINATION, Leadership/Executive Coach, Author