4 Study Techniques That Helped Me Get Through University

I survived the past 4 years because of these techniques

Hana Makhlouf
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash

Being a student is 90% time management and 10% learning new stuff. In my opinion, the challenge isn’t that the content is too difficult (although it can be), the main challenge is that there’s too much to do in a finite period of time.

However, this can be made easier if we analyse the pressure points and break them down. Below are 4 methods that I used to ensure that I complete my work while still having time to enjoy my time at university.

1. Time-lapsing

Time-lapsing is when you take a recording at a high speed. Time-lapsing has many purposes:

  1. Because you use your phone to record yourself studying, you can’t use your phone at that time. It eliminates one major distraction.
  2. Because you know you’re being recorded, you try to make sure you study. The human brain is weird. Even though you know that no one will see that recording, you still don't want to be recorded playing around when you are supposed to do your work.

I personally use a mobile app called ‘Hyperlapse’ for time-lapsing. It is very simple to use (literally just one feature). If you really want to be a productivity study guru, you can…



Hana Makhlouf
Curated Newsletters

Software engineer by day. Passionate about everything tech, reading and self-development👩🏽‍💻