4 Ways A White Person Can Stand Up To Racism

And show that they are not racist

Rebecca Stevens
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Racism happens every day, unfortunately. Sometimes it’s blatant, and sometimes it’s more subtle. It happens at the workplace, the doctor's office, in public transportation, at fitness clubs, at car dealerships, at beauty salons, just to name a few places. Wherever Black or brown people are, racism can rear its ugly head.

In a way, it’s sad to acknowledge this, but the reality is that we can only begin to dismantle it when we systematically identify it and speak up against it too.

As a Black person, my dream would be to avoid it at all times, but that fantasy may not easily be within reach — at least not yet. Maybe it might be in the next 30–40 years? Well, you know what, I’m still hopeful.

In the meantime, when racism happens, I’d like to know that not only other Black people, but white people, will stand up for me, defend me, be on my side.

Here are 4 racist situations as well as phrases that a white person can say to either stand up to racism or show support to the Black or brown person who is a victim of racism.

Take the workplace for example. The way you can identify racism in the workplace is by looking for repeated behaviors. For example, you may notice that whenever your Black…



Rebecca Stevens
Curated Newsletters

I write about racism, but there are so many other things I would like to write about instead. Help me dismantle racism so that I can get to that.