4 Ways to Become Instantly More Attractive

Authenticity and vulnerability are keys.

Godofredo Rojas
Curated Newsletters


“It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them.” — Agatha Christie

I wonder, what makes people attractive, is it their beauty, intelligence, or success in life?

Certainly, none of them, you don't need to be a top model, the smartest, or the wealthiest. You can beat all of them with charisma. To get it you just need to be yourself.

Sounds easy right? — but it’s not. There are many obstacles that limit us to act like the person we are.

In our society the rules are already set to follow, you cannot act differently without the fear of people’s judgment. Hence, you end up thinking that to be different isn't smart.

When you reach authenticity it means you got the confidence to act how you are, regardless of what people think about it.

Certainly, it’s easy to recognize insincere people. And when people try to trick you.

A few weeks ago I was watching a video, the host started his show in a funny way. Later on, he turned into a salesperson, pushing people to buy his service. His intention was obvious.



Godofredo Rojas
Curated Newsletters

Trader by Day, Writer by Night. I pour my love of the market's ebbs to unpacks the complexities of day trading, personal growth, and financial savvy.