Top 5 Bizarre Toddler Behaviors Decoded

In fact, there are explanations for most of the things toddlers do.

Erin King
Curated Newsletters
5 min readJan 13, 2020


Photo by Blake Meyer on Unsplash

Does your toddler baffle you?

Do they do things that seem weird and pointless? Are they continually pushing your buttons and getting on your nerves?

One of the biggest shocks in parenting is how irritating and infuriating toddlers can be. How can you get so mad at someone so small and cute?

When you understand why they behave as they do, you will see that it’s nothing personal, and you can stop letting those things bug you. Once you have this mindset change, you can start supporting them in the critical developmental imperatives going on in these pre-school years.

Here are my top five behaviors decoded.

Photo by Tanaphong Toochinda on Unsplash
  1. Moving furniture. Toddlers have a biological imperative to build their big muscles. They are in a sensitive…



Erin King
Curated Newsletters

Writer, musician, toddler wrangler. Author: “How To Be Wise AF”, a 30-day prompted journal-find out more on Amazon. Contact me at