5 Harsh Truths That Rewrote My Life’s Script at the Age of 25!

Acknowledging the Unpleasant Realities.

Uday Cris
Curated Newsletters
5 min readSep 12, 2023


Photo by Nigel Tadyanehondo on Unsplash

Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons, often through hard-hitting truths that we’d rather ignore.

I’m 25, but at times, I’ve felt like I’ve lived a lifetime of lessons. I’ve stumbled, fallen, and picked myself up more times than I can count.

I’ve experienced heartbreak, setbacks, and moments of despair. But through it all, I’ve come to realize that, “Accepting the harsh realities of life is the only way to move forward and truly thrive.”

Here are the 5 harsh truths that rewrote My Life’s Script at the age of 25!

  1. You Are Not the Hero in Everyone’s Story.
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

It’s a common human tendency to believe that our actions, intentions, and viewpoints should take center stage in the grand narrative of everyone’s lives.

However, the reality is far more intricate!

“Each individual is on their distinct journey, facing their unique trials and chasing their personal dreams. Just as we experience moments of heroism in our own story, so do others in theirs.”

We may occasionally find ourselves cast as the antagonist or a supporting character in someone else’s narrative.

Embracing this truth can lead to a deeper understanding of empathy and a more harmonious existence with those around us.

It was a gradual realization, but I eventually learned that “Being a hero often means standing by others in their journeys too.”

2. Your life is the mirror image of your choices.

Photo by Joeyy Lee on Unsplash

How many times have you found yourself blaming external circumstances for your problems?

“My roommate keeps leaving dirty dishes in the sink…. My family members borrow my things without asking…. My colleague takes credit for my ideas in meetings….”

I used to do this constantly, playing the victim card whenever life didn’t go my way.

But then I realized something crucial!

“I was the one allowing these situations to affect me. I had the power to change my perspective and take responsibility for my life.”

  • If my roommate keeps leaving dirty dishes in the sink, “Why didn’t I consider moving out?”
  • If my family members borrow my things without asking, “Why did I let them take my things in the first place?”
  • If my colleague takes credit for my ideas in the meeting? “It’s my problem because I’m the one who shared my ideas with him.”

3. There’s no word called Failure in life’s dictionary.

Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

Have you ever pondered the enigmatic concept of failure?

If we dissect it, “Failure is often nothing more than a mirror reflecting our unmet expectations.”

When we place unrealistic demands on ourselves, the shadow of failure looms large.

Allow me to share the wisdom of Thomas Edison, who famously declared,

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Isn’t it awe-inspiring to think of “failure” not as a dead end, but as a series of stepping stones leading us closer to our ultimate goals? Each setback, each detour, is a lesson in disguise, guiding us toward our true potential!

4. 2 Forces That Propel Your Growth.

Photo by Moritz Mentges on Unsplash

Conditional statements like “I want to, but I can’t” are the sworn enemies of personal growth.

“I want to start my freelancing career, but I have no guidance…. I always wanted to hit the gym and build my muscles, but I had no time…. I always wanted to chase my dream, but I’m so tired of my day-to-day events.

I used to hide behind these excuses, believing that life should adapt to my comfort zone.

The truth is,

“Life doesn’t cater to your comfort; it challenges you to rise above your limitations.”

5. Your Relationship with Money in Life.

Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

Some argue that, “Money can’t buy happiness.” I’m not here to say they’re wrong. However, I’d like to share my perspective that might resonate with you.

“While money itself may not be able to directly purchase happiness, it holds the power to enable us to acquire the things that can truly bring joy and fulfillment into our lives.”

You see, I come from a middle-class single-parent family, so I intimately understand the impact of money on our lives!

When you’re lacking in financial resources, “Life can often feel like it’s holding back opportunities and experiences.”

It’s not just about material possessions; it runs deeper than that. Money can influence the way your own family perceives you and even shape your self-perception.

“Money serves as the fundamental scaffold upon which the structure of life is built, much like the crucial pillars supporting a grand edifice called Life.”

So, while money itself may not equate to happiness, it undeniably plays a substantial role in laying the groundwork upon which the edifice of happiness can be constructed in your unique story!

In essence,

The beauty of truth lies in its self-evidence; it exists, unwavering, irrespective of our acknowledgment. If you carry more empowering truths to share, don’t hesitate to drop them in the comments below! I’m here, ready to listen and be inspired!

Thanks for reading!

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Uday Cris
Curated Newsletters

An Inkheart in the Digital Age, Chasing My Dreams Through the Tapestry of Words.