5 Reasons Why Men Should Get on That Yoga Mat

This is why it’s not just for super bendy females

Tim Ebl
Curated Newsletters
5 min readNov 13, 2020


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Yoga was a life changer for me. It fixed a body broken by hard physical work and injuries.

I know it has potential to help a lot of dudes who are tight bundles of stress or inflexible piles of muscle. It’s like a workout that heals. So why would I be the only guy there in any live class I’ve ever been too? And why are men so resistant to giving it a try at home, using a YouTube video to get started? Is it peer pressure?

It’s like a workout that heals.

If fear of looking silly is the only thing in your way, then man up! Don’t let some silly little voice in your head stop you from getting in the best shape you could ever be.

Here’s five good reasons that yoga should be part of your life. With the massive amount of instructors giving cheap classes on Zoom and the high quality YouTube yoga tutorials, you don’t even need a ton of money to get started. It’s cheaper than drinking coffee every day for crying out loud.

Yoga makes you strong

Flowing from one pose to another will affect your body more than you think. Multiple muscle groups find themselves working together instead of being isolated and…



Tim Ebl
Curated Newsletters

I help busy guys lose the dadbod, get their energy back and feel 20 yrs younger!. tim@simpleprimalfitness.com