5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Your Education

Hint: it might help you succeed

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I’ve never had a lot of money.

I got $120 every month when I went to school, but once I dropped out, I had no source of income for a year. I saved the last of it and started searching for a way to make money online, instead.

In those months where I bought nothing at all, it made me rethink my choices when it came to spending my money.

The thing is that just about everyone who doesn’t have a lot of money spends a lot of time thinking about it because they have to. Money is an essential part of life.

But even if we don’t have heaps of money, we have no problem spending it on inessential items. After all, we can get virtually anything by the click of a button — so that hasn’t made the minimalist lifestyle any easier.

With that being said, from someone who used to spend all my money on clothes, makeup, and fun gadgets, here is what I have learned about buying responsibly.

“Many folks think they aren’t good at earning money, when what they don’t know is how to use it.” — Frank A. Clark

The discomfort of discussing money



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Seeking balance in a chaotic world by leading a simple and mindful life. I would love to have you along for the journey.