5 Signs You’ve Reached Your Peaked

#3: You think you can plan your life.

Louise Morris
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Zach Kadolph on Unsplash

I went on a date the other day with a guy who was in school with me. I wasn’t aware of this when I matched with him on Tinder, I had no clue who he was. But he recognised me.

Naturally, as this fact came up in conversation, we ended up reminiscing about our school days during the date — which was all well and good until he said those dreaded four words, “I miss those days.

The red flags went off in my head, “Yeah, they were fun but life’s so much better now.”

“I don’t know — I think I peaked.” It’s a statement no one really wants to hear from a potential partner. And based off his expression it's not something anyone wants to admit to. However, the way he said it with acceptance rather than defeat made me believe he really had peaked. His honesty really would’ve been quite attractive had it been in a different context.

I wondered how he had come to that conclusion, though — what was it that made him realise that he had peaked? Were there certain signs that told him he had maxed out his potential already? Was I exhibiting any of these signs? Was I on the verge of meeting my peak? What if I already had?

We spoke on and the conversation that followed is what has led me to write this article. Here…



Louise Morris
Curated Newsletters

Full-time assistant portfolio manager, part-time rambler. A work in progress. Find me on Twitter @LouiseMorris_98