Fake It Till You Make It and 4 Other Ways to Strengthen Your Confidence

From Self-doubt to Self-Esteem



Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

Confidence is one of the hardest traits to master for people who are not naturally confident. I never had particularly high self-esteem in the past. But I have managed to improve my confidence by lessening my self-doubt with a handful of practicable steps.

1. Question your self-doubt

Before you can improve your confidence level, it’s important to discover the root cause behind your self-doubt. A form of self-reflection. What’s pushing you down? What’s holding you back from being confident?

Work against your self-doubt with affirmation. Instead of thinking “I can’t…, I am not…”, try to tell yourself “I can…, I am…”.

2. Fake it till you make it

This step might be counterintuitive, but one way to improve your confidence level is faking it. This will trick your mind into a positive state. It’s not just about pretending. It’s about learning to accept the strength you’re unaware of.

It starts with body language: Walk upright, stretch your spine, push the chest out. Smile. Make eye contact. These little things will make you look more confident and, in return, make you feel more confident.




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