6 Quick Creativity Tips To Get You Through the Day

Inspiration is where you find it. It’s often closer than you think.

John Teehan
Curated Newsletters


Image courtesy of blush.design.

Ever wake up one day, ready to create, and then get to the end of the day and find you’ve been drawing from a dry well?

The quest for nurturing and developing creativity is ongoing, but it’s really not all that hard. If it’s a journey, it’s a pleasant journey — if you let it be.

It’s incredible how many people make things harder than they need to be. There’s nothing wrong with easy. Creation is no less impressive because it was seemingly effortless to enact.

With that in mind, here are some simple, quick tips you can use right now to help kickstart your creative juices.

Find creative power in being yourself

Pop culture has a particular idea as to how creative people should look and act. Don’t feel like you have to fulfill someone else’s vision of what it means to be an artist.

Don’t want to dress in black? Who needs it? As for myself, I like plaid shirts.

Don’t feel like being an alcoholic? Most successful writers I’ve known rarely touch a drop.



John Teehan
Curated Newsletters

Writer specializing in tech, business, parenting, pop culture, and gaming. Visit wordsbyjohn.net for more info and rates. Twitter: @WordsByJohn2