6 Trends For 2021 Courtesy The 2020 Pandemic

Are you ready to adapt to these trends which are here to stay

Kavish Kamat (KK)
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Ali Pazani from Pexels

The year 2020 will probably go down in history as one of the most stressful years experienced by humanity. Now in 2021, we have a lot of expectations for the situation to go back to normal. The pandemic is far from over, but with new vaccines coming out every day, we expect things to improve in the latter half of the year.

But we should also thank 2020 for the way it changed the mindset of people across the globe. Life is all about change, and 2020 has been a year of massive change.

Thanks to the pandemic, we must accept the new normal and align ourselves to these trends that are here to stay in the years to come.

Why is it important? Because these trends provide you an opportunity to gain from them. It allows you to build your future forecast in line with these streams, which may further help you in whatsoever you are doing in life.

Remember — It always pays to be ahead of the curve.

Here are the 6 trends that will rule 2021; courtesy of 2020

Trend # 1- Work from home-

This should not be a surprise to anyone. Probably the biggest change brought by the pandemic. It is here…



Kavish Kamat (KK)
Curated Newsletters

A banker with avid love for writing. I am inspired by my surroundings and like to write about my experiences with them. I give my message through my stories.