7 Things I Track Regularly to Improve My Health, Wealth, and Productivity

And the tools I use to get my life together.

Adriana Sim
Curated Newsletters


If you have a phone, then you’ve likely tracked a couple of things in your life at some point. It was fun at first, but after the novelty of apps wore off, you weren’t bothered to enter your data anymore.

The beauty of tracking certain aspects of your life is that it’s there to serve you, not the other way around. So don’t just clutter your brain with useless information.

When deciding to measure anything, you have to have a purpose: capturing this data will either make your life easier or help you make a difficult change.

Here are the 7 simple things I track whenever life starts to get out of control:

1. I track my calories.

I’ve maintained a steady weight for the longest time, regardless of what I ate. It took a pandemic and reaching my mid-thirties to mess all that up — you can read more about it here. My clothes are tight and uncomfortable, and I want to get back to my old shape, if possible.

I know tracking calories can strike a raw nerve with some people. If you have a toxic relationship with restricting your calorie intake, you should find healthier ways to lose weight…



Adriana Sim
Curated Newsletters

In the process of GYST’ing and following my intuition. Gave up a career in medicine to pursue writing, blogging, and, most of all, living.