70% of Men Feel This During Sex

Are you part of this estimate?



Photo by We-Vibe Toys on Unsplash

With each passing day, I am more and more surprised by the men around us. Seriously, there are so many curious things that we discover throughout our studies that only increase my fascination with them. And this time it was no different, because after a study carried out by renowned researchers at Ohio State University, it was possible to understand what most men feel during “fun” time, and that’s what we’re going to talk about now.

And I’m going to jump right in, there are everything from strange situations to things that could be considered dangerous to your own health. That said, get ready to know what’s going through your man’s head before, during, and after he sleeps with you.

But first, let’s make one thing clear: men are like a Pandora’s box. We won’t always know what they’re thinking, or even if they’re thinking about anything. After all, sometimes they keep secrets so well guarded that it’s almost impossible to notice that something is wrong.

That said, don’t feel embarrassed if you don’t notice this in your partner during your “fun” time. They know very well how to maintain an “honorable” stance and this really makes it difficult for us to understand their true feelings, lol.

