8 Magic Quotes From Harry Potter That Can Change How You Think About Your Life

On good friendships, judging others, and finding happiness.

Moreno Zugaro
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The Harry Potter saga dominated most of my childhood and adolescence — and as any good kid’s book, it contains a hearty amount of lessons for adults as well.

The adventures of the orphaned boy who on his eleventh birthday found out he was a wizard — the only one able to stop an evil overlord from sinking the world into darkness — became wildly successful. The seven books together sold over 500 million copies that, if laid end-to-end, would span the equator over 16 times.

The stories about friendship, courage, love, wisdom, and good versus evil turned author J.K. Rowling into a multimillionaire — and kept young Moreno dreaming during the day and reading under the covers at night.

Regardless of if you were a true Potterhead or never opened the books as a kid, they all contain wisdom that’s applicable until you’re old and grey.

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“I am what I am, an’ I’m not ashamed. ‘Never be ashamed,’ my ol’ dad used ter say, ‘there’s some who’ll hold it against you, but…

