8 Places to Watch Out for Ideas as a Content Creator

Ideas are all around us. All we need to do is to open our eyes, ears, and minds, and we will find them.

Emmanuel A. Anderson
Curated Newsletters


Being a content creator comes with a lot, especially with coming up with ideas. It involves a lot of thinking to draft an absolute message to meet your audience’s needs. Something that, failing to do right, you’re bound to disappoint your audience and ruin your reputation.

So, the moment you decide to be a content creator, prepare to allow your mind to travel to places that being an ordinary person, you wouldn’t. You must become a thinker if, naturally, you aren’t that type of person and be willing to contemplate a wide range of issues in order to come with information to satisfy your audience.

But to make it possible, does that always involve deliberate thinking? No! At times, it’s all about opening yourself up to the universal intelligence, and with no clue, ideas come to you.

With that said, here are eight places to watch out for ideas;

The bathroom

This is the most commonplace that everyone knows with inspiration. It’s one of the best places to watch out for ideas because often, when we get to the shower to clean ourselves, not only do our bodies…



Emmanuel A. Anderson
Curated Newsletters

Thinker || Writing to give meaning to life || Author of the upcoming book, "Heal yourself, heal the world."