8 Stories in a Row Chosen for Further Distribution

I’m utterly flabbergasted!

Karen Madej
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

Up till today, this week had been a bit of a downer where News Break is concerned. I might have been depending on the high of thousands of views to sustain my motivation a little too much.

For whatever reasons, not many American readers want to read the latest instalment of my Two Little Girls stories. However, being paid £700 for reusing my Medium stories in January did cheer me up somewhat.

Taking a week off is a good move to re-energise. And now I feel like I want to get out of bed in the morning. I did find a different kind of high. No, it was not a bottle of red wine.

I suspected a couple of my Weekly Wisdom’s had been selected for further distribution. As we don’t get any notification and I don’t check my stats obsessively any more, the only way I know a story has done well is when it appears at the bottom of a published article.

Today, I got round to checking my stats. The last eight stories I published on Medium have all been Chosen for further distribution!!! One of the eight stories is the one I wrote about my News Break viral story.

Did I mention I am utterly flabbergasted?

In 2020, I achieved a grand total of five curated/chosen stories. In a mere…

