8 Things That White People Do That They Don’t Think Are Racist, But Are

And I’d like to ask them to stop doing them

Rebecca Stevens
Curated Newsletters


I’ve been thinking about writing a guidebook to educate white people on what they cannot say or do to black people. Many white people don’t think that some of the comments they make are disparagingly racist, harmful, and hurtful. It’s about time that changed. With access to lots of antiracism material online, in bookstores, and in libraries, white people can no longer say, “I didn’t know that comment, gesture or action was racist”, or claim ignorance. Please educate yourself and learn how to discern racist comments and actions.

Below are some examples of comments and behaviors that you should not do when you are interacting with a black person. And for those who still may not understand why these issues are problematic, I’m also providing an explanation as to why they are racist.

  1. Commenting on how frequently I change my hair or even touching my hair. Asking questions about whether I’m wearing hair extensions. Asking me if dreadlocks are clean and how I wash my hair when I wear braids.

Why is this racist? Why are you so concerned about what I do with my hair? Do you feel the need to control black bodies? Are you judging me based on the number of times I change my hair or the…



Rebecca Stevens
Curated Newsletters

I write about racism, but there are so many other things I would like to write about instead. Help me dismantle racism so that I can get to that.