8 Ways to Shift From Stressed Out to Sublime

You can feel happier, one small choice at a time

Stories by Aurora E


Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

Wherever you are in the world, one aspect of life resounds with stunning acuity across time and space, city and suburb, country and culture: our world is changing. We can only hope and envision that it will be for the better.

So in these times of momentous change, here are seven strategies to instill deep, unshakeable happiness.

Let’s all go from stressed out to sublimely happy together.

1. Seek out the precarious balance between work and play.

Easier said than done, right? But by taking small, barely imperceptible steps toward balance, such as reading a book over our weekend breakfast, or listening to enjoyable music or podcasts while straigtening up the house or completing administrative tasks, we can start to shift toward a balance that provides optimal happiness.

I am a big fan of listening to Ted Talks, Smashing Pumpkins, Live, or Ace of Base while waiting in the school pick-up line for 35 minutes. Even when you’re faced with an unpleasant task, you can listen to what you love.



Stories by Aurora E

Writer and editor with a background in animal behavior, journalism, philosophy, psychology & spirituality.