A Diverse Range Of Articles That Will Open Your Mind

Why “Self-Promotion” is a necessity for Writers

Paul Myers MBA
Curated Newsletters


A female writer deep in thought — An article by Paul Myers
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Back in 2019, when I started writing online, the one piece of advice that stuck in my mind as a Rookie-writer was this:

Promote your own work!

For newbie writers, the message is clear:

You gotta be your own prose-pimp!

Self-promotion, or self-pimping even, is the difference between a great writer that writes great articles and a good writer that writes great articles.

Take Matt Lillywhite for example, a good writer, well a very good writer. Okay a Great writer. Anyway, the point is that Matt is a Self-Promo-Pro, his consistency enabled him to become Great like Tim, Sinem, George J. and Dr Mehmet Yildiz.

Above all, the single most important skill that Matt, Sinem, George, Mehmet and Tim share is this:


Wait … what was my point? Oh yeah, self-promotion — Consistency is the best form of Self-Promotion.

Now forget about Tim, George, Matt, Mehmet and Sinem, from this point forward it’s all about Paul (Joke).

Three Writing Tips



Paul Myers MBA
Curated Newsletters

Top writer in Business, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Startups & Innovation. Interested in all things E-commerce and more --- https://cdsequine.com