A Glimpse Of The Absolute Truth

The only way to know God is through experience

Esther George


In the blackness of heaven’s space, the stars take to their stage upon the perfect midnight velvet. The glistening diamonds greet my eyes and lift my heart heavenward. I feel connected to those far away stars. I sense them whispering in a way the ears cannot hear, humming a song for the eyes, a magnificent display of a masterpiece carved by Divine Hands.

This is the Source of all creation, for all things emanated from It.

Oh, the unknowable Essence, the Infinite Mystery, the Truth, the All-That-Is, whom we cannot define. Languages, symbols, and icons lack adequacy, a representation of the mere construct of the finite human mind.

God is entirely eloquent, yet utterly ineffable. It’s not possible, to sum up, that which goes beyond the limited capacity of human conscious senses. The shorthand of words cannot describe the Presence that fills time and space, and while remaining invisible, unique, exists yet everywhere, stretched out in spacetime. Descriptive language remains elusive, for a complete understanding of who or what God is, requires a level of enlightenment beyond human capacity.

If we break down our views, we break away from the ultimate Oneness, the full implication of the Whole, whose attributes are…



Esther George

Writer • Dreamer • Storyteller • She writes about discovering and living your best life now because life is truly what you make it.