A List of My Most Read Stories in 2022

My biggest earners and the stories behind the curtain

Anne Bonfert
Curated Newsletters
7 min readJan 2, 2023


Credit: Anne Bonfert

As the end of the year approaches and we’re done with Christmas celebrations and New Year’s plans, the review time begins. What did we do in 2022? What were our travel highlights? And which things did we not achieve or complete and will take them over into the next year?

I also like looking back at my writing journey. I started writing online in 2020 and I did publish a book in 2021 and had plans to go further but I did not find or make the time to work on another one in 2022.

Instead, I focused on my passion for writing on Medium while working as a full-time skydiving instructor. I lived on three continents and explored even more countries.

My writing on Medium spreads across different topics from travel-related content to nature writing and photo essays. I do create also a handful of biography pieces now and then which receive a lot of views from my readership.

Half of the articles making it to number one this year were writing prompt responses. What does that tell us? I either really do like writing challenges which is true or my readership likes those prompt responses. Which is also true.



Anne Bonfert
Curated Newsletters

I am a traveler. Photographer. Writer. Teacher. Skydiving instructor. Adventure enthusiast. Nature lover. And fell in love with the African continent.