A myth is not a lie — how myth can guide you to awakening

Vic Shayne
4 min readMay 11, 2024


Vic Shayne
13 Pillars of Enlightenment: How to realize your true nature and end suffering

Photo by Joaquin Carfagna, pexels.com

There are a number of words and phrases that have been so misused that their original meaning has become nearly lost, including the word “myth.”

“A myth is not a lie,” said history’s notable mythology professor, Joseph Campbell. Myths serve various cultural, religious, personal, and symbolic purposes. By equating the word myth with a lie we have lost something that is not only profound, but also integral to our very psyches and life experiences.

The Power of Myth
When I first listened to Joseph Campbell in 1988 during the airing of the PBS broadcast entitled “The Power of Myth, I was so taken with what he had to say that I‘ve been contemplating his message ever since. He taught that myths are traditional stories that explain natural phenomena, teach moral lessons, and describe the origins of the world and humanity. But there is also a hidden message that has the power to free the mind from its own ignorance.

While myths may contain elements of fiction or symbolism, they did not develop as a means of deceiving and misleading people. Lies do that. Instead, myths offer insights into the values, beliefs…



Vic Shayne

NY Times bestselling author writing about reality beyond thought, consciousness, and the self to uncover what is fundamental. https://shorturl.at/mrAS6