A Unicorn, a Whale, and a Cloak of Invisibility

My Bio and a Bit of Prose

Tree Langdon
Write Under the Moon
4 min readOct 7, 2020


Image by author, diving in Vietnam 2014 with ‘The Original Crew’

Most biographies are boring

They’re full of mundane details like these:

Hello, my name is Tree. (ok, that’s a bit unusual)

I live on a big island on the west coast of Canada.

For most of my life, I worked in business as an accountant, in marketing, and then as a controller for a large educational institution. Eight years ago I decided to change my career path, to property management, which gave me more time for writing and travel.

Are you asleep yet? Maybe your eyes are glazing over just a little bit….

I‘m not going to list degrees and accomplishments here.

It’s a struggle to balance my business persona with the creative poet inside me and today, the poet is winning.

I’m honored to be the mother of four lovely adults who live close enough that I can see them fairly often, but far enough away that they have their own lives.

Best of all, I’m married to the love of my life.

The last two decades have been filled with remarkable experiences that went beyond my expectations of what my life…



Tree Langdon
Write Under the Moon

I write stories, and poetry, and create sketches inspired by my dreams for the world. https://wordsinmotion.substack.com/