A Utah Teenager Was A Victim Of Ted Bundy

She was the sister of a friend

Floyd Mori
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Alessandra Zani on Unsplash

A terrible crime happened in Utah in 1974

Years ago when Ted Bundy was becoming known as a serial killer who tortured and killed many young women, I read about him in the newspapers. I was not living in Utah at that time, but I saw that some of the people that Bundy killed were in Utah.

After my wife and I moved to Virginia and I was working for nonprofits in Washington, D.C., we became friends with a family there who were from Utah as we were. The wife talked about her older sister Debra (Debi) who had been killed by Ted Bundy. She seemed to want her sister to be remembered because she was a wonderful person who did not deserve that fate.

Our friend talked openly about the case involving her sister.

I had not known about her sister Debi’s story before that time. Debi was one of the young women killed by Bundy. It was suspected that he had abducted her and killed her, but Debi’s body was never found. Bundy finally admitted that he had killed Debi just before he was put to death in Florida in 1989 for his many crimes.

Debi was just seventeen years old and a student at a Utah high school. She had gone to attend a play at the school in…



Floyd Mori
Curated Newsletters

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits. www.thejapaneseamericanstory.com.