AI is Not the Enemy

Vanessa Robinson
Curated Newsletters
5 min readJan 15, 2023


But it can be.

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

I’ve been asked to take pictures of unknown families in the street, been given children and dogs to hold while their parents pay the cashier — I’ve even been asked to watch someone’s purse while they went to the bathroom. It happens all the time. My husband says I should start a business called “Best Friend from High School” and charge $100 an hour.

All because my face is nondescript, safe looking, and most of the time, I’m smiling.

I’m not vain. I’m 200 pounds (plus or minus 30 depending on whether fresh catfish is in season). I’m also medium dark, have a deep black-brownish bob, and a light cream birthmark on the right side of my face. And yet, no matter where I go, people swear they went to high school with me. It’s flattering, because depending on who they think I am, there’s an element of trust. Strangers think they know me before I even open my mouth.

I have to admit that I like it.

With AI, that could change in an instant.

What is AI?

AI is artificial intelligence:

Artificial intelligence leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind.



Vanessa Robinson
Curated Newsletters

Writer and Observer: Injustice, History, Family, Love, and Politics. Electrical Engineer. Completing First Historical Fiction Novel.