Alpha Males, Sigma Males & Bata Males Don’t Mean Anything

They are all just made-up ideals.

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Photo by Govinda Valbuena from Pexels

Did you know that there are three types of men in the world?

These men are called alpha males, beta males, and sigma males. Every single man is in one of these categories, but there aren’t any real defining characteristics that separate each type from another. These labels are mostly made by other people (especially dating coaches) to describe other people (and sometimes themselves).

The three categories have been used over and over by YouTube dating coaches to give vague descriptions about an ideal every guy should aim for. They were more made popular by the book The Game, written by Neil Strauss about his experiences with pick-up artists.

As Strauss explained, to become a better pick-up artist, he had to learn more about how men and women work and think, so he read about science and biology. He came across these names in a scientific journal called Ethology and Sociobiology, but since he was a no scientist, he used his understanding and modified the idea to create new ones that suited his need.

Now, almost everyone uses these names to label men. We have been brainwashed into thinking that one of each exists within society, which is not at all true. Do you know someone who perfectly fits…



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