Amazing Quotes from Self-Help Books That Will Change Your Life

These quotes have inspired me and they can do the same for you.

Amy Hartsough
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Radu Florin on Unsplash

I love self-help books. I get a lot out of them because I put a lot into them. I’m a voracious reader and I always annotate my books. So, when I read a self-help book, I’m having a conversation with the author and with myself.

Over the years, I’ve developed strong mental habits like positivity and wealth consciousness by reading self-help books. Below are quotes from five self-help books that have changed my life, on a variety of topics. Enjoy!

“May Cause Miracles: A 40-Day Guidebook of Subtle Shifts for Radical Change and Unlimited Happiness” by Gabrielle Bernstein

“The simple truth is that you can’t expect the outside world to make you happy. Happiness is an internal condition that doesn’t require outside influence.”

I used to think the idea of happiness being a choice was B.S. I mean, how could happiness not require outside influence, as Bernstein says?

Of course, it does, I thought when I first read this passage in her book. I understood that our thoughts contributed to our moods, but the insistence that happiness is purely…

