Old Faithful Is Not Far From An American Concentration Camp

The Heart Mountain camp held prisoners during World War II

Floyd Mori


Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park (Image is author’s)

Millions of people visit Yellowstone National Park

A major tourist attraction in the Western United States is Yellowstone National Park located mostly in Wyoming. Millions of people have visited the area to see the natural beauty of the landscape and surroundings of Yellowstone.

One of the main features of Yellowstone is the Old Faithful geyser which regularly erupts into the air with boiling hot water shooting toward the sky.

Old Faithful Geyser Erupting (Image is author’s)

There is a chance to learn about American history when making a trip to Yellowstone. Not far away is the site of an American concentration camp which operated during World War II. Although they were called war relocation centers during that period of time, they are now considered to have been American concentration camps. There were ten such camps in the United States.

Heart Mountain is located not far from Old Faithful and…



Floyd Mori

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits. www.thejapaneseamericanstory.com.