An Exceptional Story on Privacy Every Reader May Find Helpful

Why we curate this unique article as the editorial and curation team of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on



Photo by Antoni Shkraba from Pexels

As proud Medium Friends, in this post, we introduce an exceptional story published on ILLUMINATION-Curated. This article offers valuable insights, tips, or solutions to privacy concerns so it could resonate well with readers.

The article written by Mike Grindle titled “Nothing to Hide: Why Your Privacy Matters in a Digital World” highlights essential points that privacy experts should consider.

Privacy in a digital world often sparks controversy and diverse opinions. Some might consider the article controversial due to its challenging of common assumptions, but there is no controversy in it.

The story questions the idea that having nothing to hide means having nothing to fear, advocating that privacy is a fundamental right irrespective of personal actions.

Mike makes simple yet powerful statements, giving us a helpful perspective.

Consider, for instance, whether you would leave the stall door open when you use a public bathroom. Likewise, would




Senior Editor and Content Curator of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium. Writer applications: