An Incredible Journey Part Three

A strange power is aflight

Liam Ireland
Curated Newsletters
5 min readNov 12, 2020


Photograph by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Seeing the silhouette of a male figure on the other side of the front door, a figure that I was all too familiar with, I quickly pulled off my father's old blazer, just in the nick of time.

The door swung open and right there before my very eyes was a younger version of my father than I remembered from my childhood. I stood stock still and looked right at him. He looked right through me as if I wasn't there. He pulled off his denim jacket and threw it over the back of a kitchen chair. Then he emptied the contents of his trouser pockets onto the formica topped table. Amongst a few coins was a slip of paper, I just had time to see that it had 'Denny Betting' printed in bright red at the top. Underneath the title I could see scribbled in ink 'five pounds to win on Old Leather Jacket at 20 to 1.' It was enough for me to know that my father had done as I asked him to in my last letter to him. So far so good, all was going to plan. Then my father picked up the betting slip and went upstairs, apparently none the wiser about my presence.

It had become clear to me that I had to be actually wearing his jacket of blazer to be able to travel back in time. If either was draped over my arm there was no movement. I sat back down and tried to think this through.

