An Open Letter to My Favorite Fictional Character

A Rustic Mind (Manali Desai)
2 min readMar 3, 2021


You don’t exist but you added meaning to my existence.

Dear favorite fictional character,

Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

Whether you were an animal or a human, a Demi-God, a witch, or a wizard, your journey and growth, your experiences and interactions with other characters, taught me more than most real-life people have not and possibly ever can.

You taught me about love, family, friendship, and relationships. Above all, you taught me how to live.

You’re not real, but for me, you’re as real as every book I read and loved. Your struggles made me fret, your pains made me cry and your victories made me cheer.

Your journeys made me realize that nothing will ever be easy, not at least the things that are worth having; but in the end, everything will be just fine.

Loyalty, standing up for yourself, facing your fears, loving someone despite their flaws, are some things I never would have known, if not for you.

More than anything else, you made me love myself for what I am, accept my flaws and work on my abilities.

You taught me acceptance, you gave me patience, you showed me how I’m capable of change and growth. You showed me how to differentiate the good from the bad and how to choose wisely. You were the therapist I…

