An Open Letter to the Critic of my Views on the Trump Car Rally I Witnessed

Thank you so much for setting me on the right path. You’re making Michael great again.


Photo by israel palacio on Unsplash

“What a load of nonsense” was your opening salvo in response to this story …

I’ll admit that at first I was a bit taken aback.

However, after careful reflection on the loving and kind, but spirited, tone in which you responded I now think about your intro differently.

I see it now as an expression of tough love and as a way to get my attention for the important lessons and corrections you delivered. Your subliminal message now means everything to me.

I now see “What a load of nonsense!” like the vigorous shake one must occasionally deliver to a wailing infant. It’s an attention-getter, sure to startle, but opening the way for the well-reasoned discussion to follow. I benefited in just the same way a distressed infant would, so thank you.



Michael Burg, MD (Satire Sommelier) 😬
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