Angus Cloud: The Unknowable Depth of a Beautiful Soul

The grand stage of life beckons, and we have our roles and do our best to learn our lines and make it real. Then there are the artists who interpret that for us, who attempt to unravel the mystery, a risky task that is never quite complete ………..

Donn Harris
7 min readAug 3, 2023


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash: a message of youthful meaning and a hint of things hidden and complex

Angus Cloud, the actor who portrayed the fascinating Fezco O’Neill on HBO’s Euphoria, was 25 years old when he passed away in the last days of July 2023.

The Path to Euphoria

I knew Angus Cloud as a high school student under a different name, and also knew his family for a period of about 4–5 years. I was the Director of the Oakland School for the Arts when Angus attended there. He was not an Acting student, in fact was a quiet, internally-focused visual/media artist seemingly engaged in making sense out of a profound inner world that only occasionally rose to the surface. Angus moved to his own rhythm, and to call him a deep thinker is both accurate and inadequate, as are most descriptive words when it comes to creative youth: there is just so much more to them, and if we’re honest we admit we have only fragments and impressions of who they are and how they will develop. We can take…



Donn Harris

Seeking Something Like the Truth: Paradigm Shifter; decidedly risk-friendly former CA Arts Council Chair; led SF, Oakland Arts schools; USAF vet; Father of 2