Arc of The Immortals: Light, Preparation, & Peace

How the Three Antarian Systems Have Always Been at Peace and Have Never Been Attacked

Image by Ebenezer42 from Pixabay

Early Exploration of Antares Prime

How often do explorers find a land that beckons/welcomes them home? The early explorers and later settlers of Antares β€” the Kristos were made to feel at home with the consciousness of the planet. Every being welcomed the new beings and they the Kristos welcomed the planet.

It was foretold. The light guided them home to Antares. The Von Deign were bade welcome too. The Emmons brought reconciliation as the civilization turned towards darkness. The Emmons brought balance to the other two and an alliance made. Light became stable.

The Three Antarian Solar Systems and the Light

Antarians on Prime, Beta, and Theta produced massive amounts of light on their planets already soaked in light. Light each of the three solar systems made bands of light. Their combined light was resplendent. Light arose from the central nebula in their galaxy too.



Frank Ontario πŸ¦‹ balance πŸ•ŠοΈ peace 🍏 Earth Lover

Top Writer in Spiritual Energy. Messenger, an eclectic, empathetic, seeking oneness in all, & humor. Love writing!!! |