Are Anti-Maskers The Latest Version Of Anti-Vaxxers?

And what can we do to engage them in a discussion?

Danell teNyenhuis Black
Curated Newsletters
6 min readNov 24, 2020


Demanding The Truth! | credit: Drazen Zigic | iStock (under license)

COVID-19 hits close to home.

Last week my 90-year-old great-aunt contracted COVID-19 and required hospitalization. Her son-in-law also needed to be hospitalized, and her daughter is self-isolating at home. They live in Arkansas, and we used to see them every summer when my courageous parents would load up their four children and drive from California to Oklahoma and then Arkansas. I haven’t seen them since my grandfather’s funeral in 1990.

My mother’s cousin said many Arkansas citizens believed COVID-19 would go away after the election, and few wear masks. I am sad to hear there are still people who believe the pandemic is not severe.

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Trump is setting a poor example.

Since our current president does not believe in masks and has also questioned the severity of the pandemic, he has convinced many of his followers to share his beliefs. Public figures and celebrities are in a unique position to influence others. When public figures have ideas based on unsubstantiated…

