Are You Able To Pay Attention?

In The Distraction Economy, We Can Lose Our Focus

Randy Wolken
Curated Newsletters


We live in the distraction economy. Constant messaging, push notifications, and web surfing can occupy a lot of our time. Much of the information we consume and share is done through our highly connected devices that only grow in their availability and daily uses.

The smartphones we carry are most often used as information sharing devices, not for phone calls. If we want to accomplish meaningful outcomes, we need to re-learn to focus. The ability to do deep work has gained popularity as a required skill.

Lesson to Learn

Stealing our attention is the desired outcome of much of our connected devices and their software offerings. Maintaining focus on our essential tasks is critical.

To get meaningful work done, we must develop effective personal strategies to avoid distraction, spend time on what matters, and deliver outcomes.

Periods of deep work and concentrated attention requires effective strategies and tactics. For instance, various studies have shown that distracted office workers average up to 25 minutes to return to work once they were interrupted.



Randy Wolken
Curated Newsletters

I write to educate and inspire. President & CEO of MACNY - The Manufacturers Association with over 300 company members in New York State. Visit