Are You Guilty of These Five Common Coffee Sins?

Make better coffee today

Simon Spichak
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Many of us start the day with a hot cup of coffee. It’s the jolt we need to get going in the morning. It’s the warm caffeinated goodness that makes Mondays more bearable. You don’t need a barista course of $4000 machine to make a good cup. Rather there are plenty of easy ways to upgrade your coffee experience. Using what we know from food sciences, we can make a consistently excellent cup. Whether you buy your beans whole or grind them at home, this guide is for you.

#1 Your Water Isn’t Hot Enough (or Too Hot)

What kind of coffee brewer are you using? Many large commercial drippers can’t sustain the necessary temperature for the perfect coffee. To extract the best brew from your bean, you need a water temperature between 90–96° Celsius. It is easier to maintain this temperature with handheld brewers (Chemex, V60, French Press). Many commercial drippers aren’t built with the best coffee practices in mind. In contrast, manual methods increase your control over water temperature and flow.

#2 Your Coffee is Too Fine or Too Coarse

The way you grind your beans plays a huge role when brewing coffee. Your first consideration is your coffee grinder if you have one. Make sure…

